Wednesday 18 October 2017

Post Modernism - "Scream"

Five reasons why "Scream" is an example of Post Modernism

Directed by Wes Craven "scream" is a 1996 slasher that has been recognised as the film that revived the slasher genre, during an era where the cinema was bloated with generic slasher films. 

1.(Intertextuality) "Scream" is famously known for using other big slasher names during its run time. For example the film opens with a high school student being asked over the phone "Whats's your favourite scary movie?", during this conversation "Friday the 13th", is mentioned. 

2.(Irony) Another defining factor of "Scream" is that it makes use of irony making fun of the classic tropes seen within slashers before it. 

3.(Pastiche) The film borrows multiple scenes from various other horror films, being essentially a parody of the horror films before it. 

4.(Appropriation) "Scream" borrows from a series of paintings by Edvard Munch, appropriating them for the horror genre. It can be seen where the influence has come from as the once horrified painting becomes a gruesome face of the murderer, ghost face, paying homage. 

5.(behaviour of characters) In the film it can be said that the characters both killer and victim reject the typical attitude and behaviour towards their slasher scenario. Instead the killer is seen to be rather incompetent at times and those running away always put up a decent fight. 

Avant-garde: The avant-garde is the description used for those who aim to progress work respective to art, culture and society. This is done through using new, radical and different techniques.  

Nostalgia: A pleasant feeling that is provoked by memories of the past. This could be a result of 'rose tinted glasses' as those affected selectively remember the good parts of memories. 

Appropriation: Making something appropriate for the selected subject or culture. 

Pastiche: An imitation of an artists work that is seen as an imitation or homage paying respects to the work they are referencing. 

Parody: A parody is a work that aims to imitate and fun of an original piece of work.

Irony: The use of a statement that is contradictory in its meaning or any previous meanings and actions committed.

Ideology: An idea or concept that is used as a basis for how society should work. This can encompass economics, political theories, policies etc. 

Genre: A style of literature that helps to group various concepts.

Sherrie Levine

Born on the 17th April 1947, Sherrie Levine was an American photographer who has been known for taking work done by male artists and appropriating them with a new meaning. Levine completed her work using photography to capture already existing work an example being a photo of a wife during the depression. As the photo was then appropriated by a woman the work was then created with the viewpoint of a feminist rather than a man looking at the effects on a farmer's wife.

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