Thursday 21 September 2017

Post Modernism - "Kill Bill"

Five reasons why "Kill Bill" is an example of Post Modernism

"kill Bill" is Quentin Tarantino's forth film which has been well received by both audience and reviews. 

1. (Pastiche) The film consists of numerous homages from other films taking example of shots and scenes. These are often taking from multiple genres creating a Pastiche as the film replicates multiple styles. One example of this is the yellow biking leathers worn by the main character played by 
Uma Thurman, imitating the costume worn by Bruce Lee.

2. (Intertextuality)"Kill Bill" takes a number of genres such as action, western, thriller, fighting, anime, etc. to create a single piece of film showing Intertextuality. 

3. (Hyper realism) There is an exaggerated amount of gore throughout the film often or not breaking the suspension of disblief. As "kill Bill" progresses the blood is shown to spurt excessively out of surely fatal wounds, fighting begins to take to the air defying gravity and people are hurled across the room. 

4. (Contrapuntal Sound design) While the norm for films is to have music and diegetic sounds to fit the imagery provided Tarantino's film goes against this having Western, Mexican trumpets play against the Japanese, samurai-like sword fights. The choice in sound seems to heavily contradict the imagery chosen. 

5. (Animated Scene) Breaking the convention of films before it "Kill Bill" makes use of animation to help show the origins of one of the antagonists of the film. This use of animation done in the style of Japanese anime contradicts the live action footage but also reflects elements such as the excessive amount of blood.  

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