Thursday 21 September 2017

Post Modernism - Key Words

Defining Key words in context of Post-Modernism.

High Modernism: A movement that is known for having belief and confidence in science and technology as a way to bring order to society and nature. This form of modernity was most prevalent during the late 50s and the 60s.

Capitalism: A political system that has a country's trade and industry controlled by private markets who do so for profit, rather than being controlled by the state.

Superabundance: An excessive amount of something that is beyond the required amount, possibly with negative effect.

Disconnected: Broken, taken away from a group or the situation at hand.

Schizoid: Characterised as having varied emotions and habits in an inconsistent manner.

Pop: Popular culture of the time; including art, music and fashion.

Fragmentary: Consists of multiple, broken down fragments or pieces that no longer connect.

Eclectic nostalgia: A false sense of nostalgia and pleasant feeling resulting from a number elements that imitate the past.

Superficiality: A lack of any depth of real character or thought.

Simulacra: A representation of something, or a cheap, unsuitable substitute.

Flippant: Showing disrespect through one's attitude not giving a serious response.

Fabulation: Reinventing a story or tale with false elements. This could include works of fantasy of which the phrase originated from.

Pastiche: An artistic style that mimics or imitates the style of another artist or work.

Bricolage: A collage of available materials to create a piece of work either physical or in literature.

Aleatory: An adjective that describes the random choice in the formation of art.

Depthless: Without an end.

Skeptical: Doubtful and uncertain of the information provided.

Ambiguous: Unclear and undefined.

Innovative: Changing the norms and breaking boundaries that were once perceived as absolute.

Obfuscation: Making a subject unclear, or more difficult to interpret.

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